
Game made in a DirectX11 using engine provided by Digital Arts & Entertainment.


StarFux is a game based on the original Starfox.
But implemented in an custom engine that uses DirectX11.

Fly through a cityscape and avoid the buildings around you.
Boost to reach your destination earlier

The Game

A project focused on the use of a custom DirectX11 based engine. This engine was provided by Digital Arts & Entertainment, in an unfinished state. It was the task to finish up the functionality and create a game using it. The game in question is the original Startfox.

The game has not as many features as Starfox but allows the player to navigate through a short level. If the player hits a building he will die. The player can boost as well, at which point a post processing effect shall be enabled. A victory screen or a game over screen shall be shown at the end of the level.

Level parser

A parser allowed mt so more easily add new buildings and textures. As well as an easy way for me to move, scale and rotate them.

SF-gameplay-3 SF-gameplay-4

Post processing

A nice effect in the game is the heat haze post processing effect. Making the screen wavy as if hot air is rising in front of the camera. This effect was achieved by using a 3D texture. That offsets the pixels on the rendered image by a certain amount. By stepping through the layers of this image over time the effect of motion is created. And moving it upwards at a slow rate makes it seem like the heat is rising.

The other effects are vignette, which just multiplies the pixel based position of said pixel. Also a pixeliser, which takes the color of a common pixel based on a given size variable.