
Raymarching in shaders making cool effects


This work showcases raymarching through shaders.
just drawing basic shapes on the screen and working
towards instancing and other nifty effects.

I also produced a quadratic mandelbulb, like a 3D version of the Mandelbrot set.


Starting off I made a shader that could simply ray march to detect an object. The first objects I made where the sphere and the cube. This got me familiar enough with raymarching to continue on to more difficult things concerning the subject.

I also added some simple shading to the shapes to make depth clearer, by taking the dot product between the surface normal and the light direction.



I wanted more complex objects in my shader and a way to accomplish this is to instance them. This generates more complex structures, in other words you make the same thing appear multiple times with very little performance loss.
Visible at: Shadertoy

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Raymarching allows for some computationally cheap effects to be added. Like for example: glow, hard shadows, soft shadows and fog. With this shader I wanted to show these off with a moving light.
Visible at: Shadertoy

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The quadratic mandelbulb

A 3d versions of the Mandelbrot set. I find these very interesting from a mathematical standpoint as well as aesthetically pleasing to look at. The mandelbrot on the left is the quadratic version of the mandelbulb. And the one on the right uses a sine wave to transition between the power of 2 and 18, to create a mandelbulb.
Visible at: Shadertoy

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