Raymarch material generation in UE5

Custom editor adjustments, generating materials and modular raymarching in UE5


Initially this project was meant for some editor and slate programming. With the Unreal Engine 5 preview being available now.

Starting of this was indeed what I was doing, with the ultimate goal being able to use compute shaders. But I stumbled into raymarching instead and some very specific corners of the engine.

Custom materials and physics shapes rendered using a postprocessing material that is raymarching.

Editor changes

To start of some changes were made to the editor. In particular to do with importing new file file formats. Using new file factories to parse and store the data in ".uasset"'s.

The new files that were being imported are the 2-shader file types supported by Unreal: ''.ush', ''.usf'. The shader code is simply being stored as one string. An editor button was also added to force a reimport of the file.

The reason these files were made to be imported though was for the customshaderexpressions. In the material graph of Unreal you are able to type hlsl-code in a small and clunky text box. So to improve ease of use and maintainability a derived class was made of said expression that accepts a shader-file instead of text.



Raymarching is a rendering technique similar to raytracing. Although with the crucial difference that the closest distance to each shape is calculated. The smallest of which is used to take a step forewards, untill we can determine a shape is clase enough to the new point.

This can be simple enough to set up in HLSL but for the material graph in Unreal this is a bit difficult. As it doesn't support for loops through nodes. We can however use for loops in customexpression where we can simply place some HLSL code. Now we can render a shape quite easily.

There is one limitation though and that is the fact that our shadercode is rigid, in other words not modular. So to get around this we split our shader code up into separate parts: marching step, lighting step and the shading step. Doing this we can much more easily add as many shapes as we want. While also avoiding a lot of the expensive marches it would have to do with all of the shapes in one shader.

Material generation

With the new shader file type and a new customfileexpression type that can be used in the material graph we can move on to the next subject. Material generation, very specific but you will soon see why we do it though.

Everything in the material graph has a C++ counterpart, hence we are able to create a fully functional graph through code. It is very obvious though why the graph exists in the first place. It is simply tedious to do it this way but offers us great result once it is set up properly.

The main issue that will mostl likely persist is the spagettification of your graphs. Unless you add specific rerout nodes to clean up the graph you are left with a big visual mess.

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In the end we had our shapes that could be rendered but that is slightly boring. Also, it is hard to play around with and discover bugs etc. in the shaders.

Therefore, the material was upgraded to a dynamic one, in which we update the position and rotation of the shapes. The physics of the shapes can be a custom collider. Although for shapes that are constantly changing thos might be a bit harder. But for simple geometric shapes like cubes, spheres, capsules and so on the default colliders will do.

I also added the collider debug lines to make debugging somewhat easier. In the future adding a sphere or actual light where the raymarched light is could also be handy. On the bottom you can also see a little funny issue encountered along the way, in which the rotation calculations being used had some issue.

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Editor preview

An additional feature that I thought was neccesary was the preview mode. When the mode is enabled it shows the initial positions of the shapes and only does so when the game isn't running in editor mode.

This was a bit more annoying to do then first anticipated. Due to the rigid nature of how editor settings work on a basic level. While in Unity for example adding additional editor functionality is straight forwards, here that isn't quite the case. You can still get around this though, by using the c++ extending slate code. Slate is the "pure" form of everything in the engine, writing something in slate is equivalent to describing the UI.

Also since Unreal doesn't really have a method meant for drawing gizmos for every tick or any editor tick function. I had to add said functionality to one of my classes, using some precompiler statements and inherited functions.

Click here below to take a look at the source code:

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