Mythifood Adventures

Fight and collect mythical food in a coop adventure

Adventure out into the world of Mythifoods,
defeat and collect the various creates from out in
the world to complete tasty recipes.

Work together and complete the task
with your trusty pot companion.

Use your abilities to gain an advantage and stay on top!

The Game


Post processing

I made some post processing materials to make the game clearer. And to give valuable info to the players.


This effect makes players and creatures visible through other objects using a custom depth pass. It colors the mask grey, which replaces the original colour on the render target.


The defeated enemies spoil as they are ingredients, to show the player how spoilt they are I made an outline that dynamically changes colour based on said value. The colour shifts from green to red. This method also uses a custom depth pass but also samples the pixels surrounding the one being calculated.


Water shader

A nice water shader was needed to make the scenes feels more alive. It needed to be cartoony and vibrant as well.


So I made a shader that has borders on all the edges where the water meets the ground. And I made it move slightly by multiplying a noise texture with it.

Depth fade

Objects further away behind the water surface get blended away. This creates a nice transition below water.


Refraction and Normals

2 normal maps are panned across the surface making it seem like the flat plane has movement going on. This this into the refraction, as Fresnel is used to determine how much refraction should occur. As well as the distance from the edge of the water.

Emissive "reflections"

On the top of the water surface there are these very "reflective" spots. That make the water seem very clean and sparkly. This is done with 2 noise textures, panning them along. Multiplying and then masking parts that aren't bright enough. Finally multiplying by a large number (to make them sparkle) and marking those spots for emissiveness.


If you are particularly interested here are code snippets from the game.
Note for transparency sake this project was made together with another programmer
so there was of course some overlap in who made what, but these files where primarily my work.
The other programmer was Eloy de Cort.