Bedtime Breakout

Game project made in Unreal engine 4


A fun and light-hearted game about 4 siblings who play tag. All the siblings except the tagger go invisible when they move.

You can throw milk bottles on them to make them visible again. While they can escape by using the vents around the room.

Try to catch them all before your mom gets impatient.

The Game

The game has 2 game modes: a free-for-all and a "story" mode. In which one of the brothers must catch his siblings to put them in their crib. If he doesn't manage to do so in the given time their mother will be angry at him.

The brothers turn invisible when they move around, except for the tagger. If you are caught you get placed into the crib at the top of the room, one of your siblings must come and save you.

There are milk bottles in the room that can be picked up by the tagger and then subsequently thrown around by him, leaving everyone in the area marked with milk. It also leaves behind a puddle on the floor, walking through it will mark you with milk as well. And lastly the players can escape the tagger by taking the vent at the side of the room to get popped out elsewhere.


This game was made during a group project with 5 people, of which 3 artists and 2 programmers. During a about 3 months period.

I was one of the programmers on the team. My main contributions was my work concerning the gameloop, characters, animation logic, early version of the HUD as well as the dynamic shaders and the vent mechanic.

I had to profile the game as well to ensure that the game was able to run properly. This was mostly to do with the GPU, mainly looking for optimizations and if there were any glaring issues.

Take a look at some of the code here, on my Github.

R-gameplay-2 R-gameplay-3