
Comedical VR game set in space.


Imagine being transported to your favorite animated show and taking part in the crazy adventures. That’s what Space Control is about.

You’ve been abducted by aliens and immediately put to work as a ‘voluntary’ unpaid intern. Work your way toward freedom as you get the weirdest alien jobs assigned, all while forming friendships with trusty crewmates (also abducted, by the way).


This was my first job in the industry, I worked together with them in order to create a first vertical slice to receive funding for further development. The deadline was tight, the number of features we wanted to put in the game was large but, in the end, the game was successful in finding funding.

Part of the development was spent looking through documentation for Oculus and Unity as certain parts of the software were still relatively limited at the time.

After the vertical slice was finished, we moved on to prototyping new features for the additional ideas we had come up with, to go alongside the story and what it would mean gameplay wise. I spent some time during this working on core systems like: managers, inputs, interaction, amongst others.